

5/22/2023 - Machine Learning for Engineering

Pascal Van Hentenryck, Georgia Tech. Distinguished Speaker Series. 4:00pm, Stanley Thomas 302


4/28/2023 - Artificial Intelligence: Risks and Benefits for Local Communities

A one-day workshop of academics and community partners to discuss emerging issues in artificial intelligence and the potential benefits and harms it may have on our society and local communities. A forum to brainstorm ideas, articulate opportunities, and identify risks on the horizon as artificial intelligence’s impact grows.


12/2/2022 - Outracing Champion Gran Turismo Drivers with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Peter Stone, University of Texas, Austin. Distinguished Speaker Series. 4:00pm, Stanley Thomas 302


11/30/2022 - Gulf Coast AI Social at NeurIPS 2022

The goal of this networking event is to provide a forum to raise awareness about the AI research happening in the Gulf Coast region, including the unique and pressing challenges where AI/ML/DS research can have impact including coastal, climate, logistics, and materials. Part of the Neural Information Processing Systems conference held in New Orleans in 2022


4/28/2022 - Data x Community x Design

A one-day workshop focused on the intersection of data, community, and design. For more information and to RSVP, see the DxCxD website